Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Counting Down - Three Days to Go

How did it get to be the end of July so quickly. I'm looking at the calendar and there are only three days (less really given that it is ten o'clock at night) until the big event - the Laramie Enduro that I've been training for and gearing towards all year.
Three mornings from now I'll be up early for the 7:oo a.m. start with 70 miles to ride staring me in the face and then we'll be off down the trails and forest roads.
I'm confident I'll be able to finish and I've set myself a goal of completing in seven hours or less. Now we'll see how it turns out.
I have been resting since Saturday's race; not because that is what is best training-wise, but because I've been fighting a sinus infection and my energy levels have been very low and if I'm going to ride and finish on Saturday, I'm going to need to be better. I visited the doctor today and got a strong prescription of antibiotics that will hopefully get me over this mess and help me recover some energy. I'll need it.
A funny side note to visiting with my doctor today -- he's been very concerned for me that I might get seriously hurt while mountain biking. Indeed, I visited him a few months ago because I was afraid I might have torn ligaments in my left shoulder. He has been road riding for the past several years and has been encouraging me to take the "less dangerous" roadie route. I found out that he decided to start mountain biking - apparently very shortly after my last visit. I've been mildly amused about that since I found out.

So, off to bed now for some much needed rest. That's very important too.

--Three days and counting down.

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