Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bright & Early

This morning I got up early and met Clay at the Falcon Trail on the USAFA. Our original intent was to do two laps before Clay had to be at the bike shop.
Ah, the best laid plans... get messed up pretty good when there is an Equine Competitive Trail Ride going on today on the same trail. So we did one lap doing our best to avoid more horse droppings than one could imagine, and decided we'd be best to leave the second lap for another day.
So we got in 13 miles rather than 26, but I really need to be getting more trail miles in!
The Laramie Enduro looms closer and closer and I'm not succeeding at getting in the miles I'd like to in order to feel comfortable and confident that I'll be able to ride the whole race. Ending with a DNF next to my name is not a thought I want to entertain. Total time around the loop was 1 hour 26 minutes, so it wasn't bad, but it wasn't my best time either. I've been fighting my weight and feeling very bloated in the stomach the last couple days and that did not help today.
Hopefully I can get some better rides in soon so I can build up some confidence that I'll be able to give it a serious go at Laramie.

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